mamori privileged access management (PAM) module

Privileged access module for modern access and data privacy needs.

Module Summary

Protects servers, databases and data from unverified access and operations.

technical safeguards for

  • Security and data privacy compliance

  • Crytobot server attacks

  • Credential theft & loss

  • Data loss protection

  • SQL Injection

key features

  • SSO & 2FA for RDP, SSH & direct databases

  • Enforces key based SSH access

  • Record and playback sessions

  • Data privacy masking policies

  • Session & SQL/No-SQL firewall

  • Monitor & audit by user/device

  • Least privilege via access on-demand

key benefits

  • No changes to servers or databases required

  • No client side software required

  • Difficult to impersonate an account because of 2FA, SSO and key based SSH

  • Simplifies administration.  Each server has a few service accounts, and mamori manages user access to those accounts

  • Users can visualize their own permissions and request if needed


M4PAM has a modern zero trust approach to privileged access.

  • Every user uses a single multi-factored login to RDP, SSH, and access databases directly.

  • Users SSO/2FA from native tools without having to use jump boxes or access a portal to get a link or credential.

  • Policies control allowed database operations and whether returned data is masked or displayed in the clear.

Complement your existing PAM solution by extending controls down into database operations and data

Don’t have an existing PAM?

M4PAM has all the controls required by security and data privacy compliance requirements

Compare against traditional PAMs

M4PAM is for you if you want

  • To extend PAM workflows with data security and privacy

  • A low cost PAM

  • SSO/2FA and modern DevOps access methods

Canvas 1 Layer 1

Database Access Workflow

 SSH/SFTP Access Workflow

Secure Your Servers, Database and Data from Unverified Access and Operations

Are you a small business? Get our PAM solution for free (terms apply).