Free Intrusion Detection & Prevention Solution

Automatically detects and blocks unauthorized access, potential threats, and abnormal activities.

Available for Small Businesses with 20 users or less.’s Free Intrusion Detection & Prevention Solution is Built for Businesses Seeking to Achieve These Goals:

Protect Against External Threats

Any unauthorized access to the network, or any unauthorized network scans will be immediately blocked. Relevant stakeholders will be immediately notified. 

Satisfy Cyber Insurance Requirements

Most cyber insurance require network security, and Mamori’s intrusion detection solution uses a zero-trust approach and examines traffic from all devices from the network to detect any threat or anomalies.

Comply with Security Regulations

All activities are logged and monitored to help you meet security regulations.

Protect Against Insider Threats

Any unsolicited access to resources will be blocked and relevant stakeholders will be immediately notified. Any mass downloads, deletion, or other abnormal activities will also be detected and blocked. 

Identify Security Incidents

Be able to analyze the quantity and types of attacks so you know how to better secure and configure your environment. 

Core Features

Block Unauthorized Network Scans – When an unauthorized scan on the network is performed (commonly performed as the first step by ransomware hackers), the scan will automatically be blocked. The device conducting the scan will be locked out from the network, and users and admins will be immediately notified.

Notifications for Unsolicited Access to Resource – Any unsolicited access to resource will trigger a notification to the user, and the device will be locked from further access and administration notified.

Notifications for Incident Response – Whenever an anomaly or potential intrusion is detected, relevant users and administrators are instantly notified so you can immediately respond to an incident.

Automatic Device Lock – Whenever an anomaly or potential breach is detected, the device performing the unauthorized activity will be immediately locked. Mamori uses a zero trust approach that assumes the device has been compromised.

Anomaly Detection – Any behavioral anomalies, such as mass delete, edit, or data download will be immediately detected and blocked while the relevant users and admins are notified.

Detecting “Slow Steals” from Insiders – Sometimes, insiders steal data slowly to bypass anomaly detection. Mamori has algorithms that detects these “slow steals” and notifies the admins.

Real-Time Monitoring – All network traffic, activities, as well as database activities (Database Activity Monitoring) are being monitored in real-time to identify any anomalies, “slow steals”, or unauthorized activities.

Logging, Monitoring, and Reporting – All user, device, or application access and their operational activities are logged and recorded, including session recording.

“There are only two different types of companies in the world: those that have been breached and know it and those that have been breached and don’t know it.”

- Ted Schlein

How We’re Different

All-in-One Solution – Our free Intrusion Detection & Prevention Solution is part of the an all-in-one solution that includes other security and privacy modules such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Database Activity Management (DAM), Privileged Access Management, Database Privileged Access, data privacy solution, workflow automation solutions, and AI solutions.

Securing Connection to Anything with an IP AddressAnything with an IP address can be secured, such as desktops, laptops, mobile devices and tablets, Internet of Things (IoT), servers, and databases.

Granular Security from the Network Down to Databases – Many security solutions stop at the network or application level. However, it is your databases that holds the mission-critical data that insiders and external hackers are going after. Our free Intrusion Detection & Prevention Solution not only detects and prevent intrusions to the network, but also all devices, including your databases.

Fast and Frictionless Implementation in 3 Simple Steps with No Network Changes:

  1. Deploy a Mamori Server – After downloading your free Mamori solution, install it in one of your servers, whether on-premise or cloud. No agents. No changes to servers, directories, or databases required. Setup an admin account and configure 2FA and alert settings.

  2. Integrate with Existing Directory or Create New Identities – Your existing directory and access settings can be easily rolled over.  

  3. Define Access Controls – After defining roles and identities, configure what these roles can access and what they can do with those data. 

What happens after you fill out this form:

  1. Your email will need to be verified. Only business emails are eligible for our free Intrusion Detection & Prevention Solution.

  2. After verification, you will receive an email with download instructions.

  3. Deploy the solution in one of your servers, integrate with an existing directory, and define access controls.

Request Your Free Intrusion Detection & Prevention Solution Now

“Security is a complex tax on business. Our mission is to lower the cost, make it simple and provide productivity gains for the spend.”
