Cyber-secure your business in a few clicks.

As seen on…

All-in-one security and data privacy solution

Want “top end of town” protection but don’t have the know-how, time or money to deploy and integrate ZTNA, 2FA, DAM, PAM, SQL Firewall and data privacy solutions?

Deploy a mamori server and get the job done. We’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to.

Stop Buying Security Features.

Start Buying a Comprehensive Security Solution.




Fastest way to meet compliance safeguards and protect your business against ransomware and other penetration attacks

Your journey to compliance and being cyber-incident free

 Server Modules

Mamori for IP resources (M4IP)

A ZTNA solution that protects all your resources from ransomware and unverified access.

Mamori for Privileged Access (M4PAM)

Protects SSH, RDP, database, and data from unverified access & operations.

Mamori for Applications (M4APP)

Protects application, APIs and application data from unverified access and operations.

“Security is a complex tax on business. Our mission is to lower the cost, make it simple and provide productivity gains for the spend.”


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